personal injury attorneys page bg
personal injury attorneys page bg
We help growing firms generate
citywide buzz
We combine our patent-pending holographic
displays and car wraps
on the largest outdoor transit network-rideshare cars, so your firm
can generate more revenue.
Drivers display graphics on the cars
for a seamless transition from night
to the work day. 24/7 exposure. But we
don’t stop there,
People who take rideshare vs. taxis*
vs 27.5%
Which platform do you want to advertise on?
We place a geofence around
high propensity areas of accident
victims that may need a PI
attorney and retarget your ad
to their mobile
Hospitals & ER Centers
Accident prone Intersections
Collision repair shops
Send targeted video ads to apps on
your customers' smart TV‘s
using their keyword searches
let's also send video ads to your customers smart TV's using their keyword searches
Let's use address of previous
customers and geotarget them 2x a day
with relevant messaging.
Lets use addresses of previous customer’s and geotarget them 2x a day with relevant messaging.
Get Started. Get Pricing
* Source : Business Insider: Uber and Lyft are gaining even more market share over taxis and rentals.