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Our holographic displays
on rideshare cars
create an eye-catching
brand awareness
at night.
People who take rideshare vs. taxis*
vs 27.5%
Which platform do you want to advertise on?
Drivers display graphics on the cars
for a seamless transition from night
to the work day. And 24/7 exposure. But we
don’t stop there,
We can place a geofence
around any location of a similar
live entertainment event. Once
a potential customer crosses into that fence we retarget
your ad to their mobile
phones for 1-30 days.
small live entertainment venues
Large arena events
outdoor venues
Send targeted video ads to apps on
your customers' smart TV‘s
using their keyword searches
let's also send video ads to your customers smart TV's using their keyword searches
We'll use the home addresses of existing
customers and geotarget them
with relevant messaging.
Lets use addresses of previous customer’s and geotarget them 2x a day with relevant messaging.
Get Started. Get Pricing
* Source : Business Insider: Uber and Lyft are gaining even more market share over taxis and rentals.